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Interfacing 24V Industrial Switches with ESP32: A Comprehensive Guide

Interfacing 24V Industrial Switches with ESP32: A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of industrial automation, interfacing 24V Industrial Switches with ESP32 microcontrollers is a crucial task. These switches, widely used in industrial settings, operate at higher voltages compared to the typical logic levels of microcontrollers. The challenge lies in bridging the voltage gap and ensuring seamless communication between these switches and microcontrollers. This comprehensive guide aims to walk you through the process of interfacing 24V Industrial Switches with ESP32, exploring the necessary components, considerations, and steps involved.

Understanding 24V Industrial Switches

24V industrial switches are commonly employed in industrial environments due to their robustness and compatibility with industrial machinery. These switches often work at higher voltages and currents to handle the demanding conditions of industrial applications. However, their voltage levels are incompatible with most microcontrollers, which typically operate at 3.3V or 5V logic levels.

Challenges in Interfacing

The primary challenge when interfacing 24V industrial switches with microcontrollers like the ESP32 is the voltage compatibility issue. The ESP32, operating at 3.3V logic levels, cannot directly interface with 24V switches. This necessitates the use of additional components and techniques to bridge this voltage gap and ensure safe and reliable communication.

Components Required for Interfacing 24V Industrial Switches with ESP32

Four main components are required for interfacing 24V Industrial Switches with ESP32. Here are they below;

1. Optocoupler

An optocoupler, also known as an opto-isolator, serves as a crucial component to interface different voltage systems. It consists of an LED and a photodetector sealed within a lightproof housing. The input side of the optocoupler, connected to the 24V switch, isolates the higher voltage from the output side connected to the ESP32.

2. Resistors

Resistors are used to limit the current passing through the LED of the optocoupler, preventing damage due to excess current. Additionally, pull-up or pull-down resistors may be required to stabilize the signal and ensure reliable communication.

3. ESP32 Development Board

The ESP32 microcontroller board, known for its versatility and connectivity options, serves as the core processing unit for interfacing with the industrial switches.

4. Power Supply

A stable power supply unit capable of providing the required voltage levels for both the 24V industrial switches and the ESP32 board is essential for the proper functioning of the system.

Steps to Interface 24V Industrial Switches with ESP32

Step 1: Circuit Design

Design the interface circuit using the optocoupler to ensure electrical isolation between the 24V switch and the ESP32. Connect the output side of the optocoupler to the GPIO pins of the ESP32 board, allowing it to detect the state changes of the switch.

Step 2: Optocoupler Connections

Connect the input side of the optocoupler to the 24V industrial switch, ensuring proper polarity and current-limiting resistor placement to protect the optocoupler’s LED.

Step 3: Voltage Level Translation

Implement proper voltage level translation using resistors or level-shifting circuits to ensure that the ESP32 can safely interpret the signals from the 24V switch without causing damage.

Step 4: Software Configuration

Write the firmware or program for the ESP32 to interpret the signals received from the industrial switches via the optocoupler. Use GPIO interrupts or polling methods to detect state changes in the switches.

Step 5: Testing and Validation

Test the interfacing setup thoroughly to ensure proper functionality under various conditions. Verify the accuracy of signal detection and the response of the ESP32 to changes in the 24V switch states.

Safety Considerations

When working with higher voltages, observe proper safety precautions. Always disconnect power sources before making any circuit connections or modifications. Double-check connections and ensure that the circuit is properly isolated to prevent damage to the ESP32 or any connected devices.


Interfacing 24V Industrial Switches with ESP32 microcontrollers is critical to industrial automation. It’s possible to bridge the voltage gap and enable seamless communication between these components by employing optocouplers and proper circuitry design. Understanding the components involved, following proper circuit design practices, and implementing safety measures are essential for successfully interfacing 24V industrial switches with the ESP32, paving the way for efficient and reliable industrial automation systems.


ESP32 Industrial Controller with WIFI Digital 24V from NORVI Controllers are available to buy and can be customization based on your requirements, especially for 24V industrial switches with the ESP32 requirements.

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Communicating with MODBUS Devices with ESP32 to power-up innovative Automation.

Communicating with MODBUS Devices with ESP32 to power-up innovative Automation

Learn how to unleash the power of industrial automation and IoT applications by leveraging MODBUS Devices with ESP32. Explore MODBUS RTU and TCP/IP protocols, hardware setups, and libraries for seamless integration. Discover why NORVI controllers stand out as a reliable MODBUS solution. Visit our product page for more details

Communicating via MODBUS Devices with ESP32 microcontroller opens up a world of possibilities for industrial automation, IoT applications, and control systems. MODBUS, a widely used communication protocol, allows various devices to exchange data straightforwardly and efficiently. The ESP32, with its powerful capabilities and built-in support for various communication protocols, provides an excellent platform to interface with MODBUS-enabled devices.

Understanding MODBUS Protocol

MODBUS is a serial communication protocol developed in the late 1970s for industrial applications. It has since evolved into a widely adopted standard for connecting electronic devices in supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, industrial automation, and other applications.

The protocol operates on two main variants: MODBUS RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) and MODBUS TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). RTU uses serial communication (RS-232 or RS-485), while TCP/IP operates over Ethernet networks.

MODBUS follows a client-server architecture, where a master device (client) initiates requests to read or write data to slave devices (servers). Each device in a MODBUS network has a unique address to enable communication.

MODBUS Devices with ESP32

MODBUS Devices with ESP32

The ESP32 is a powerful and versatile microcontroller equipped with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and various I/O interfaces. To communicate with MODBUS devices, the ESP32 can use its UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) for MODBUS RTU communication or its Wi-Fi module for MODBUS TCP/IP communication. Therefore, MODBUS Devices with ESP32 is vital.


  • Hardware Setup:
    • Connect RS-485 devices in multidrop to the RS-485 terminal of the NORVI Controller.  
  • Software Implementation:
    • Utilize existing libraries like “ModbusMaster” or “Modbus RTU” for Arduino/ESP-IDF to handle MODBUS communication.
    • Configure the ESP32’s UART pins and baud rate to match the settings of the MODBUS device.
    • Implement read and write functions to communicate with MODBUS slaves using the chosen library.

Using ESP32’s Wi-Fi for MODBUS TCP/IP

  • Wi-Fi Setup:
    • Connect the ESP32 to the local Wi-Fi network to establish an internet connection.
  • Library and Implementation:
    • Employ libraries like “ModbusIP_ESP8266” or “ESP8266ModbusServer” adapted for the ESP32.
    • Set up the ESP32 as a MODBUS TCP/IP server or client, depending on the application requirements.
    • Implement read and write functions to communicate with other MODBUS devices over Wi-Fi.

Considerations and Best Practices

  • Addressing: Ensure correct addressing of MODBUS devices to access specific data registers.
  • Error Handling: Implement error handling mechanisms to manage communication failures or timeouts.
  • Data Validation: Validate the received data to ensure integrity and accuracy.
  • Security: Implement security measures, especially when using Wi-Fi, to prevent unauthorized access to the network and devices.

WHY NORVI as a MODBUS Solution?

Our NORVI controllers have built-in TTL to RS-485 converters.. So the RS-485 devices can be connected directly to the NORVI Controllers. RS-485 on the NORVI Controller can be used to communicate with external sensor networks and PLCs.

VISIT OUT Product Page Now:


The ESP32’s flexibility and capabilities make it an excellent platform for interfacing with MODBUS-enabled devices. Whether using UART for MODBUS RTU or Wi-Fi for MODBUS TCP/IP communication, the ESP32 can efficiently handle data exchange, enabling seamless integration into various industrial and IoT applications. Understanding the nuances of the MODBUS protocol and leveraging appropriate libraries and configurations is key to successful communication between MODBUS Devices with ESP32, facilitating efficient control and monitoring in diverse settings.

Stay Connected to get updated news from NORVI: Facebook : LinkedIn : Twitter : YouTube

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Building a Low-cost HMI with ESP32-S3 Chip & LVGL for Innovative Projects

Building a Low-cost HMI with ESP32-S3 Chip & LVGL for Innovative Projects

Low-cost HMI can be used for your innovative projects. Wondering how to choose and what are their features. Learn through this article.

The world of embedded systems has been witnessing a revolutionary transformation, marked by innovations that redefine the boundaries of technology. At the forefront of this evolution stands the NORVI ESP32 HMI, an ingenious fusion of the ESP32-S3 microcontroller, a versatile 5-inch TFT LCD, and the dynamic LVGL Graphics Library. This confluence presents an alluring solution for developers and enthusiasts seeking to create cost-effective yet high-performance Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs).

Key 3 Features of Low-cost HMI

A Low-cost HMI (Human-Machine Interface) solution boasts three fundamental components.

Firstly, it integrates the ESP32-S3 Microcontroller, esteemed for its robust capabilities in handling IoT applications, equipped with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and a rich set of peripherals. Secondly,  it incorporates an 8-bit RGB 5-inch LCD complemented by a touch panel, offering a cost-effective yet visually engaging display solution, ideal for various interactive applications. Lastly, leverages the LVGL (LittlevGL) Graphics Library, renowned for its efficiency in creating intuitive user interfaces across diverse embedded systems. This amalgamation delivers an affordable yet powerful HMI platform suitable for numerous projects requiring graphical user interfaces and touch interaction. These Low-cost HMI features will be discussed one by one now.

Unveiling the ESP32-S3 Microcontroller

  • As the first feature of Low-cost HMI,  ESP32-S3 microcontroller can be identified.
  • The NORVI ESP32 HMI is based on the ESP32-S3 microcontroller, which has 45 physical GPIO pins. It utilizes 20 GPIO pins for the display and the majority of the remaining pins for various functions, including digital inputs, transistor outputs, and communication.
  • ESP32-S3 is best for low-power applications that require advanced Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities.
  • ESP32-S3 is a newer and more advanced microcontroller, and as such, it is generally more expensive than ESP32. But ESP32-S3 is an enhanced variant of the ESP32 microchip. Compared with ESP32, ESP32-S3 supports larger, high-speed octal SPI flash, and PSRAM with configurable data and instruction cache. Prices for ESP32-S3 can range from around $5 to $15 per unit, depending on the specific model and features.
  • However, the NORVI ESP32 HMI has an integrated ESP32-S3 module, serving both UI functions and communication purposes. This integrated approach lends the NORVI ESP32 HMI a cost-effective and higher performance edge compared to the others.

8-bit RGB 5-inch LCD with touch panel: A Visual Delight

  • Second Low-cost HMI feature is LVGL 5inch LCD Display with 8-bit RG and resistive touch.
  • NORVI ESP32 HMI offers a crystal-clear 5-inch TFT LCD with resistive touch technology, ensuring a user-friendly and interactive experience.
  • TFT display has a resolution of 800×480 pixels and a high contrast ratio of 500:1, making it capable of rendering deep blacks and vibrant colors.  It also has a high brightness of 450cd/m2, making it suitable for use in both indoor and outdoor environments.
  • TFT display comes with optional resistive touch screen capability, allowing users to interact with the display through touch. This option allows for precise touch input using a stylus or finger.
  • 8-bit RGB is used to interface with large color displays. It sends 8 bits of data for each of the three colors, Red Green, and Blue every clock cycle. Since there are 24 bits of data transmitted every clock cycle, at clock rates up to 50 MHz, this interface can drive much larger displays at video frame rates of 60 Hz and up.RGB is Low-cost due to technology maturity but High performance.
  • Prices for a 5-inch TFT LCD can range from around $19 to $20 per unit, depending on the specific model and features.

Powering Creativity with LVGL Graphics Library

  • Third, the Low-cost HMI feature is LVGL library support which makes it more useful.
  • LVGL is the most popular free and open-source embedded graphics library that offers a wide range of features that can be used to create beautiful UIs for any display type. LVGL’s graphical elements are fully customizable.
  • It provides building blocks for creating user interfaces on embedded systems and it has advanced graphics features such as animation, also it supports a variety of input devices, including touch pads, mice, keyboards, and encoders. 
  • Especially, the library is hardware-independent, meaning it can be used with any microcontroller or display. 

Embracing the Future of Human-Machine Interaction

The ever-expanding landscape of embedded systems, the NORVI ESP32 HMI stands as a testament to the innovation driving the industry forward as positioning by Low-cost HMI. In the realm of creating low-cost Human-Machine Interfaces (HMIs), the fusion of the ESP32-S3 microcontroller with NORVI ESP32 HMI, alongside the integration of a versatile 5-inch TFT LCD and the dynamic LVGL Graphics Library, defines an enticing solution for developers and enthusiasts.Whether an experienced developer or a hobbyist embarking on a new project, this powerful combination offers the tools needed to bring ideas to life. In a world where seamless interaction between humans and machines is paramount, the NORVI ESP32 HMI and its companions pave the way for a new era of user-friendly and cost-effective solutions.                                     

Low-cost HMI is now available to buy from NORVI.

Visit the Product Page or, Contact Us at [email protected]

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Understanding Expansion Modules for PLCs for Industrial Innovative Automation

Understanding Expansion Modules for PLCs for Industrial Innovative Automation

Explore the world of Expansion Modules for PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) and their pivotal role in enhancing industrial automation. Learn about various expansion types, including I/O, communication, specialized functions, analog I/O, power supply modules, and NORVI’s advanced expansion lineup.

What is an Expansion Modules for PLCs?

Expansion Modules for PLCs (Programmable Logic Controller) are additional hardware components that can be connected to a base or main PLC unit to expand its capabilities and functionality. These modules allow the PLC system to accommodate more input/output (I/O) points, various communication protocols, additional memory, or specialized functionalities based on specific requirements.

Here are some common types of Expansion Modules for PLCs:

  • I/O Expansion Modules: These modules increase the number of input or output points of the PLC. They can be digital or analog and allow the connection of more sensors, actuators, or other devices to the PLC system.
  • Communication Modules: These enable the PLC to communicate with other devices or systems using different communication protocols such as Ethernet/IP, Modbus, Profibus, DeviceNet, etc. They facilitate data exchange between the PLC and external devices like HMIs (Human Machine Interfaces), SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems, or other PLCs.
  • Specialized Function Modules: Some PLCs offer specialized expansion modules designed for specific functions like high-speed counting, motion control, temperature control, PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) loops, etc. These modules enhance the PLC’s capability to handle particular tasks efficiently.
  • Analog I/O Modules: These modules handle analog signals (voltage or current) and are used for applications that require precise control or monitoring of variables such as temperature, pressure, flow rate, etc.
  • Power Supply Modules: Sometimes, additional power supply modules are used to provide more power to the PLC system or to isolate specific sections of the PLC for safety or operational purposes.

Expansion modules allow users to customize the PLC system based on the specific needs of their applications without having to replace the entire PLC unit. They provide flexibility, scalability, and the ability to adapt to changing requirements in industrial automation and control systems.

NORVI Expansion Module

Expansion Modules for PLCs

NORVI prides itself on its core ethos of seamless connectivity and unmatched expandability, setting the benchmark in the realm of industrial automation. Leveraging the Expansion port of NORVI Controllers heralds a pivotal moment in unlocking the full potential of these robust systems. They offer various types of Expansion Modules for PLCs.

The comprehensive lineup of expansion modules seamlessly interfaces with NORVI IoT controllers through versatile I2C and UART connections. This integration empowers users to augment the NORVI Controller’s functionalities without necessitating extensive customizations. NORVI’s commitment to delivering cutting-edge technology manifests in its unwavering reliability tailored explicitly for the exacting demands of industrial applications, solidifying its standing as a premier IoT hardware manufacturer on a global scale.

Among the array of expansion modules, NORVI offers a spectrum of choices including NB-IoT, LoRa, and sophisticated analog modules. These expansions not only broaden the horizons of connectivity but also enrich the capabilities of the NORVI Controller, fostering a dynamic ecosystem adaptable to the diverse needs of industrial automation.

These are the expansion ports:

  • TXD0
  • IO33
  • RXD0
  • Not Connected
  • IO32
  • IO0 BOOT
  • IO17 SCL
  • Not Connected
  • IO16 SDA
  • Ground

Does NORVI have Communication Expansions?

EX-LR4XX and EX-NB95X, the cutting-edge communication expansion modules designed to elevate the capabilities of NORVI controllers to unprecedented levels.

The EX-LR4XX module revolutionizes communication with its LoRa technology. Featuring the state-of-the-art RYLR896 transceiver, this module boasts ultra-long-range spread spectrum communication coupled with exceptional interference immunity. Notably certified by the NCC and FCC, it ensures reliability and compliance. Equipped with the Semtech SX1276 Engine, a high-efficiency Power Amplifier, and a remarkable 127 dB Dynamic Range RSSI, it establishes unparalleled reliability while minimizing current consumption. This versatile module offers both built-in and external antenna options, providing flexibility in installation and enhancing signal transmission. Choose between the REYAX RYLR896 operating at 868/915 MHz frequencies or the REYAX RYLR406 spanning 426/433/470 MHz frequencies for optimal performance.

On the other hand, the EX-NB95X module represents the pinnacle of NB-IoT communication. Leveraging the BC95-G, it offers an ultra-low-power communication interface tailored specifically for NORVI controllers. This module’s compatibility with global bands makes it a versatile solution applicable worldwide, delivering superlative sensitivity and performance. Seamlessly interfacing with NORVI controllers through an I2C interface, ensures effortless integration while maintaining extremely low power consumption. Furthermore, its incorporation of Embedded Internet Services Protocols and Quectel Enhanced AT Commands facilitates efficient and reliable communication. The module supports both built-in and external antenna options, providing users with flexibility in deployment and ensuring optimal connectivity in diverse settings.

Whether opting for the groundbreaking LoRa capabilities of the EX-LR4XX or the futuristic NB-IoT advancements of the EX-NB95X, NORVI’s expansion modules guarantee unmatched connectivity, reliability, and adaptability, setting new standards in industrial communication.

Does NORVI have Analog Inputs Expansions?

Certainly, NORVI extends its range of expansion modules with the NORVI-EX-ANV01 and NORVI-EX-ANI01, unleashing unparalleled analog input capabilities that redefine precision in industrial data acquisition.

The NORVI-EX-ANV01 stands out with its provision of four 0-10V analog inputs. Leveraging the cutting-edge ADS1115 I2C ADC, this module epitomizes accuracy in reading analog channels. What sets it apart is the inclusion of an analog attenuation network, a sophisticated feature that seamlessly converts the 0-10V input range to levels acceptable for the ADS1115. This precision-engineered module ensures precise, reliable readings across the spectrum of analog inputs, facilitating seamless integration into diverse industrial applications.

Meanwhile, the NORVI-EX-ANI01 delivers exceptional versatility with its four 4-20mA analog inputs. Employing the ADS1115 I2C ADC for analog channel readings, this module mirrors the precision and accuracy of its counterpart. Similar to the NORVI-EX-ANV01, it also integrates an analog attenuation network adept at converting 0-10V signals to acceptable levels for the ADS1115. This innovation ensures a seamless transition from varying analog signals to precise digital readings, enabling industries to monitor and control processes with unmatched accuracy and reliability.

Both modules, whether the NORVI-EX-ANV01 with its 0-10V analog inputs or the NORVI-EX-ANI01 with its 4-20mA analog inputs exemplify NORVI’s commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions for industrial data acquisition. These expansion modules not only offer unparalleled accuracy but also ensure seamless compatibility and integration with NORVI controllers, empowering industries with the precision they require for critical operations.

Does NORVI have Digital Inputs Expansions?

Absolutely, NORVI introduces a range of expansion modules – NORVI-EX-I4, NORVI-EX-I8, and NORVI-EX-I16, designed to enhance digital input capabilities, catering to a spectrum of industrial automation needs with remarkable versatility and precision.

The NORVI-EX-I4 offers a sophisticated solution with its provision of four sink/source digital inputs. Leveraging the state-of-the-art MCP23008 I2C I/O Expander provider, this module ensures seamless and precise reading of digital inputs. Furthermore, the digital inputs come equipped with internal pull-up resistors, bolstering reliability and accuracy in signal acquisition. This module serves as a reliable cornerstone for diverse industrial setups, providing seamless integration and superior performance.

Moving up the ladder, the NORVI-EX-I8 raises the bar by delivering eight sink/source digital inputs, maintaining the same precision and reliability as its predecessors. Employing the MCP23008 I2C I/O Expander provider, this module is engineered to read digital inputs with unparalleled accuracy. With internal pull-up resistors ensuring signal stability, this module proves to be an ideal solution for industries requiring a higher number of digital input channels, ensuring seamless integration and robust performance.

Meanwhile, the NORVI-EX-I16 sets a new standard by offering an extensive array of sixteen sink/source digital inputs. Leveraging the MCP23016 I2C I/O Expander provider, this module significantly expands the capacity for digital inputs without compromising on accuracy or reliability. Just like its counterparts, this module ensures precise reading of digital inputs with internally pulled-up resistors, making it a robust choice for large-scale industrial applications demanding higher channel capacity and steadfast performance.

Whether opting for the NORVI-EX-I4, NORVI-EX-I8, or NORVI-EX-I16, these expansion modules epitomize NORVI’s commitment to providing advanced digital input solutions, ensuring seamless integration and precise, reliable performance in various industrial environments.

Does NORVI have Transistor Output Expansions?

NORVI proudly presents the NORVI-EX-Q4, NORVI-EX-Q8, and NORVI-EX-Q16 expansion modules, representing a leap forward in providing comprehensive open collector output solutions tailored for diverse industrial applications, ensuring precision, reliability, and seamless integration.

Starting with the NORVI-EX-Q4, this module delivers four open collector outputs, offering a robust solution for controlling external devices. Employing the MCP23008 I2C I/O Expander provider for precise transistor output writing, this module ensures precise control over various connected devices. Capable of handling voltages up to 36V DC, these outputs provide the flexibility and reliability required in industrial settings, ensuring seamless integration and efficient performance.

Moving forward, the NORVI-EX-Q8 expands its capabilities with eight open collector outputs, maintaining the same precision and reliability as its predecessor. Utilizing the MCP23008 I2C I/O Expander provider, this module empowers users to exert precise control over a greater number of external devices. Supporting voltages up to 36V DC, these outputs cater to diverse industrial needs, ensuring optimal control and reliability across varied applications.

Moreover, the NORVI-EX-Q16 elevates the standard by offering an impressive sixteen open collector outputs. Employing the MCP23017 I2C I/O Expander provider, this module significantly expands the capacity for open collector outputs while maintaining precision and reliability. Capable of handling voltages up to 36V DC, these outputs provide unmatched flexibility and control over a myriad of external devices in large-scale industrial setups, ensuring seamless integration and steadfast performance.

Whether opting for the NORVI-EX-Q4, NORVI-EX-Q8, or NORVI-EX-Q16, these expansion modules exemplify NORVI’s commitment to delivering advanced open collector output solutions. Ensuring seamless integration, precision control, and steadfast performance, these modules cater to diverse industrial requirements, setting new benchmarks for reliability and versatility in industrial automation.

Does NORVI have Relay Output Expansions?

Introducing the NORVI-EX-R8 and NORVI-EX-R16, these expansion modules redefine control and operation with relay outputs, embodying precision, reliability, and adaptability in industrial automation.

The NORVI-EX-R8 leads the way with its provision of eight relay outputs, establishing itself as a cornerstone for seamless relay control. Employing the MCP23008 I2C I/O Expander provider, this module ensures precise operation of relay outputs. With relay outputs configured as normally open, this module provides a versatile solution for controlling various external devices. This meticulously designed module guarantees reliability and accuracy in relay control, catering to diverse industrial needs with efficiency and precision.

Meanwhile, the NORVI-EX-R16 elevates the standard by offering an expansive array of sixteen relay outputs, enhancing the scope and control capabilities for industrial applications. Leveraging the MCP23016 I2C I/O Expander provider, this module extends the capacity for relay outputs without compromising on precision or reliability. Configured similarly with relay outputs as normally open, this module sets a new benchmark for seamless relay operation, catering to larger-scale industrial setups with efficiency and unwavering accuracy.

Whether opting for the NORVI-EX-R8 or the NORVI-EX-R16, these expansion modules epitomize NORVI’s commitment to delivering advanced relay output solutions. With meticulous design, precision control, and seamless integration, these modules provide unparalleled reliability and control over external devices in diverse industrial settings, setting new standards for efficiency and adaptability in industrial automation.



The evolution of industrial automation is fueled by the adaptability and scalability offered by Expansion Modules for PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers). These crucial hardware components enable a PLC system to transcend its inherent limitations, catering to the ever-changing demands of industrial environments.

From I/O expansion modules that broaden connectivity to communication modules facilitating seamless data exchange, specialized function modules enhancing specific task handling, analog I/O modules ensuring precision control, and power supply modules for enhanced operational safety – these expansion units collectively form the backbone of a versatile and adaptable PLC system.

The innovation doesn’t stop there. Manufacturers like NORVI have pushed the boundaries of expansion technology, offering a comprehensive suite of expansion modules designed to meet the unique demands of industrial automation. Whether it’s NORVI’s communication expansions like LoRa or NB-IoT, analog input expansions delivering unmatched accuracy, or the prowess of digital input, transistor output, relay output expansions providing precise control, these modules redefine industry standards, promising reliability, adaptability, and efficiency.

The integration of Expansion Modules for PLCs marks a paradigm shift, empowering industries to tailor their automation setups according to specific requirements without the need for full system replacement. As technology advances, the scope and capabilities of these modules continue to expand, ushering in an era of unparalleled customization and innovation in industrial automation. Harnessing the potential of expansion modules is not merely an option; it’s a strategic imperative for industries aiming to stay at the forefront of modern automation.

Visit our product page now to buy ESP32-based Expansion Modules:

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Innovative Industrial Automation: The Versatile Applications of ESP32-based PLC with Ethernet Connectivity

ESP32-based PLC with Ethernet Connectivity

Why ESP32-based PLC with Ethernet Connectivity? In today’s dynamic industrial landscape, the demand for efficient and reliable automation solutions continues to grow. The advent of technologies like the ESP32-based PLC with Ethernet Connectivity has revolutionized the realm of industrial automation. These powerful devices offer a wide array of applications, transforming the way industries operate and optimize their processes.

What is Ethernet?

Ethernet is a widely used technology that defines a system for connecting a group of computers and other devices in a local area network (LAN). It was developed in the 1970s by Xerox Corporation’s Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) and later standardized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Ethernet operates on the principles of packet-switching and uses a set of protocols to enable devices within the same network to communicate with each other. It involves physical cabling (such as twisted pair, fiber optic, or coaxial cable) and a series of rules and procedures for transmitting data between connected devices.

Some key aspects of Ethernet include:

  • Data Transmission: Ethernet networks use frames to transmit data between devices. These frames contain information about the sender, receiver, type of data, and error-checking bits.
  • Speeds: Ethernet has evolved over the years to support various speeds, ranging from the original 10 megabits per second (Mbps) to 100 Mbps, 1 gigabit per second (Gbps), 10 Gbps, 40 Gbps, 100 Gbps, and even higher.
  • Topologies: Ethernet supports various network topologies, including star, bus, and ring configurations. The most common nowadays is the star topology, where devices connect to a central switch or router.
  • Standardization: IEEE 802.3 defines the standards for Ethernet, ensuring compatibility and interoperability between devices from different manufacturers.
  • Usage: Ethernet is widely used in homes, businesses, data centers, and various industries as the primary means of local area networking.

Ethernet has undergone numerous advancements and improvements, allowing for faster speeds, increased reliability, and greater flexibility in network setups. It remains one of the most prevalent and fundamental technologies for networking, enabling communication between devices within a local network environment.

ESP32-based PLC with Ethernet

An ESP32-based PLC with Ethernet Connectivity can offer several advantages and capabilities due to the combination of the ESP32 microcontroller and Ethernet connectivity:

  • Networking Capabilities: Ethernet connectivity enables the PLC to communicate with other devices, such as computers, servers, sensors, and other PLCs, over a local area network (LAN). This allows for data exchange, control, and monitoring of industrial processes or automation systems.
  • Reliability and Speed: Ethernet provides a stable and reliable communication platform with high-speed data transfer rates. This is crucial in industrial settings where real-time data processing and communication are required for efficient operations.
  • Integration with Existing Infrastructure: Many industrial environments already have established Ethernet-based networking infrastructure. Using an ESP32-based PLC with Ethernet allows seamless integration into these systems without requiring significant modifications or additional hardware.
  • Remote Monitoring and Control: With Ethernet connectivity, the ESP32-based PLC can enable remote monitoring and control functionalities. This means that operators or engineers can access and manage the system from a central location, improving efficiency and reducing the need for physical presence on the factory floor.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Ethernet-equipped PLCs can easily scale to accommodate larger systems or expand functionalities by leveraging network capabilities. They can also interact with a variety of devices and systems, providing flexibility in industrial automation setups.
  • Security Features: Ethernet-based communication can leverage various security protocols and measures to ensure data integrity and prevent unauthorized access, enhancing the overall security of industrial networks.
  • Compatibility and Standardization: Ethernet is a well-established and standardized networking technology, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of devices and systems, and facilitating easier integration and interoperability.

Why Ethernet stands out?

While other connectivity options like serial communication (RS-232, RS-485), Fieldbus protocols (Profibus, Modbus), wireless technologies (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee), or proprietary industrial protocols have their own merits, Ethernet stands out due to its speed, reliability, scalability, and standardization, making it an excellent choice for connecting PLCs in modern industrial automation setups. Additionally, advancements in Ethernet technology continue to enhance its capabilities, making it more adaptable and suitable for diverse industrial applications.

ESP32-based PLC with Ethernet Connectivity enhances its capabilities, enabling robust communication, remote access, scalability, and integration into existing industrial networks, thereby improving the efficiency and effectiveness of industrial automation and control systems.

Applications in Industrial Automation

There are various applications that can perform using ESP32-based PLC with Ethernet Connectivity effectively. Find below:

1. Factory Automation and Control

ESP32-based PLCs with Ethernet play a pivotal role in controlling and supervising industrial machinery and processes. They enable precise and real-time control of production lines, ensuring seamless operation, minimizing downtime, and optimizing overall efficiency. These PLCs manage diverse tasks, including motor control, conveyor systems, and robotic operations.

2. Remote Monitoring and Management

Ethernet-equipped PLCs empower remote monitoring and management of industrial setups. Engineers and operators can access critical data, monitor machine performance, and troubleshoot issues from a centralized location. This capability streamlines maintenance procedures, enhances operational visibility, and facilitates timely interventions, reducing maintenance costs and increasing uptime.

3. Integration into Existing Networks

The compatibility of ESP32-based PLCs with Ethernet facilitates easy integration into existing industrial networks. They seamlessly communicate with other devices, such as sensors, Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs), and servers, leveraging standardized Ethernet protocols. This integration optimizes workflow, data exchange, and interoperability among various components of the automation ecosystem.

4. Data Acquisition and Analysis

These PLCs efficiently collect and process data from sensors and connected devices. With Ethernet connectivity, they transmit this data to central servers or cloud-based platforms for in-depth analysis. By harnessing this data, industries gain valuable insights into production trends, anomalies, and predictive maintenance, empowering informed decision-making.

5. Enhanced Security Measures

Ethernet-based communication in ESP32-based PLCs incorporates robust security measures, safeguarding sensitive industrial data and preventing unauthorized access. Encrypted communication protocols and authentication mechanisms ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data exchanged within the network.

NORVI ESP32-based PLC with Ethernet

The marriage of ESP32-based PLC with Ethernet Connectivity heralds a new era in industrial automation. These versatile devices offer a spectrum of applications, revolutionizing manufacturing, process control, and operational efficiency. By enabling seamless connectivity, precise control, remote management, and enhanced data analysis, these PLCs are pivotal in shaping the future of industrial automation.

As industries continue to evolve, embracing the capabilities of ESP32-based PLC with Ethernet Connectivity will undoubtedly remain a cornerstone in achieving higher productivity, reduced downtime, and smarter decision-making in the industrial landscape.

Visit our product page now to buy ESP32-based PLC with Ethernet:

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Why should choose ESP32-based PLC with GSM to Enhanced Connectivity?

ESP32-based PLC with GSM

Discover GSM connectivity’s pivotal role and its integration in PLCs, and How ESP32-based PLC with GSM stands out. Explore More through this article. 

What is GSM Connectivity?

GSM logo

GSM, or Global System for Mobile Communications, is a standard technology used in mobile devices to facilitate communication through cellular networks. It’s a prevalent wireless communication standard used by mobile phones, tablets, and other devices to transmit voice and data.

Here are some key aspects of GSM connectivity:

  • Communication Standard: GSM is a widely adopted standard for digital cellular networks. It sets the protocols for transmitting voice calls and data over mobile networks.
  • Coverage and Reach: GSM networks have extensive coverage globally, providing connectivity across various regions and countries. This wide coverage enables devices using GSM technology to communicate in many parts of the world.
  • Voice and Data Transmission: GSM enables the transmission of both voice and data. It supports voice calls, SMS (Short Message Service), and data transmission for internet access, emails, and other applications.
  • SIM Card Technology: GSM networks use SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) cards to identify and authenticate users on the network. SIM cards store user information such as phone number, contacts, and other subscription details.
  • Security Measures: GSM incorporates security measures like encryption to protect communications between devices and the network, ensuring confidentiality and preventing unauthorized access to data.
  • Evolution to Advanced Technologies: While GSM laid the foundation for mobile communication, newer technologies like 3G, 4G (LTE), and 5G have evolved from it, offering faster data speeds and improved capabilities while maintaining backward compatibility with GSM networks.

Key Features of ESP32-based PLC with GSM

An ESP32-based PLC with GSM features represents a cutting-edge solution at the intersection of embedded systems and industrial automation. This innovative combination harnesses the power of the ESP32 microcontroller and GSM connectivity to create a versatile and highly capable automation platform.

Key features are as follows:

  • ESP32 Microcontroller: The ESP32, renowned for its robustness and versatility, serves as the core processing unit of the PLC. Its dual-core architecture, low power consumption, and built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities offer a solid foundation for industrial automation applications.
  • PLC Functionality: Equipped with GPIO pins, analog and digital input/output interfaces, and support for various communication protocols, the ESP32-based PLC functions as a programmable logic controller. It facilitates the control, monitoring, and automation of industrial processes and machinery.
  • GSM Connectivity: The integration of GSM capabilities allows the PLC to communicate over cellular networks. This feature enables remote access, data exchange, and control functionalities, empowering users to manage and oversee industrial systems from distant locations.
  • Remote Monitoring and Control: Leveraging GSM connectivity, users can remotely monitor real-time data, receive alerts, and exert control over industrial equipment or processes using mobile devices or computers connected to the GSM network.
  • Data Exchange and Communication: The GSM functionality enables seamless data exchange between the PLC and external systems or servers, facilitating communication for reporting, analysis, and decision-making purposes.
  • Enhanced Flexibility and Accessibility: The combination of ESP32-based PLC with GSM offers enhanced flexibility and accessibility, allowing for efficient management and optimization of industrial operations, regardless of geographical constraints.

Applications of ESP32-based PLC with GSM

The EESP32-based PLC with GSM offers a myriad of applications across various industries and scenarios due to its versatile capabilities. Some notable applications include:

  • Industrial Automation: Utilized in manufacturing plants, factories, and production lines for controlling machinery, managing processes, and monitoring equipment remotely. It aids in optimizing production efficiency and reducing downtime.
  • Remote Monitoring and Control: Deployed in remote or unmanned sites, such as in agriculture for irrigation systems, weather monitoring, and livestock management. It allows users to monitor and control operations from afar remotely.
  • Smart Agriculture: Used in precision agriculture for tasks like soil monitoring, irrigation control, and crop management. The PLC with GSM enables real-time data collection and analysis for better decision-making.
  • Infrastructure Management: Applied in infrastructure settings like utilities (water, gas, electricity), where remote monitoring and control of critical systems or installations are crucial for maintenance and operational efficiency.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Employed in environmental monitoring systems for collecting data on air quality, pollution levels, weather conditions, and more. The GSM connectivity enables real-time data transmission and analysis.
  • Mobile Asset Tracking: Utilized in logistics and transportation industries for tracking and managing mobile assets such as vehicles, containers, or equipment. The GSM connectivity enables real-time tracking and management regardless of location.
  • IoT Integration: Integrated into IoT ecosystems for data acquisition, integration with cloud platforms, and building scalable IoT solutions across various domains.
  • Energy Management: Applied in energy management systems for monitoring and controlling power distribution, renewable energy systems, and smart grid applications.
  • Security and Surveillance: Used in security systems for remote surveillance, access control, and alarm systems where real-time monitoring and notifications are vital.
  • Healthcare Monitoring: Applied in remote healthcare applications for monitoring patients’ vital signs, collecting medical data, and enabling telemedicine services in remote areas.

These applications showcase the versatility and adaptability of ESP32-based PLC with GSM connectivity across diverse industries, enabling remote access, data exchange, and control functionalities crucial for efficient and advanced automation solutions.


ESP32-based PLC with GSM is now available with NORVI. In the realm of devices like NORVI controllers equipped with GSM connectivity, this technological integration serves as a pivotal enabler, empowering industrial automation systems to establish seamless communication across expansive cellular networks.

This transformative capability extends far beyond mere connectivity, bestowing upon these controllers the profound ability to facilitate remote access, bidirectional data exchange, and dynamic control functionalities. Through the convergence of NORVI controllers with GSM technology, a paradigm shift emerges, allowing users, irrespective of geographical constraints, to engage with and oversee industrial operations and machinery.

This breakthrough offers an unprecedented level of flexibility and responsiveness, as users harness the potential of their mobile devices or computers tethered to the omnipresent GSM network, thereby orchestrating efficient management and interaction with industrial systems and machinery positioned across disparate locations.

Here are the main features of NORVI ESP32-based PLC with GSM;

  • ESP32-WROOM32: This is a powerful and widely used microcontroller module manufactured by Espressif Systems. The ESP32-WROOM32 integrates the ESP32 chip, which is a dual-core microcontroller with integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities. It’s known for its versatility, low power consumption, and ample processing power, making it popular in various IoT applications, including home automation, industrial automation, wearable devices, and more.
  • SIM800L: SIM800L is a highly compact and versatile GSM/GPRS module designed for mobile communication. It allows devices to connect to cellular networks, enabling functionalities like making/receiving calls, sending/receiving SMS messages, and data transmission over the GPRS network. The module is commonly used in IoT projects, such as GPS tracking devices, remote monitoring systems, and other applications that require cellular connectivity.
  • The SIM7500: This is a cellular module developed by SIMCom Wireless Solutions. It’s designed to provide cellular connectivity with support for various wireless technologies, including LTE (4G), WCDMA (3G), and GSM (2G), offering high-speed data transmission and communication capabilities. The module supports functionalities such as making and receiving calls, sending and receiving SMS messages, and establishing data connections over the LTE network.

These components, when integrated into devices or systems, provide connectivity solutions, allowing communication over different types of networks (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GSM, GPRS, LTE), thereby enabling a wide range of functionalities and applications in the IoT and industrial sectors.

However, NORVI ESP32-based PLC with GSM has an LTE option that comes with it.  It will explore through another article for you. Just visit the product page for more information here.


In conclusion, the ESP32-based PLC with GSM connectivity represents a groundbreaking advancement in the realm of industrial automation. As a cornerstone of mobile communication, GSM technology provides a global standard for voice and data transmission, offering extensive coverage, robust security measures, and a foundation for evolving technologies like 3G, 4G (LTE), and 5G.

The fusion of the ESP32-based PLC with GSM connectivity in PLCs creates a versatile automation platform. This integration allows for remote access, data exchange, and control functionalities, empowering users to oversee industrial systems from distant locations.

Key features like the ESP32’s robustness, PLC functionality, and GSM connectivity enable real-time monitoring, seamless data exchange, and efficient management of industrial operations, transcending geographical constraints, while the applications of ESP32-based PLCs with GSM span various industries which showcase the adaptability and versatility of these systems, offering remote access, data exchange, and control crucial for advancing automation solutions.

Notably, devices like NORVI ESP32-based PLC with GSM, epitomize this transformative integration. NORVI controllers equipped with GSM technology empower industrial automation systems to establish seamless communication across expansive cellular networks. This convergence goes beyond mere connectivity, enabling bidirectional data exchange, dynamic control functionalities, and unprecedented flexibility for users, regardless of geographical constraints.

In essence, the integration of ESP32-based PLCs with GSM connectivity heralds a new era in industrial automation, where users can efficiently manage and interact with industrial systems and machinery positioned across disparate locations, leveraging the potential of ubiquitous GSM networks. This breakthrough offers unparalleled flexibility, responsiveness, and efficiency in overseeing and managing industrial operations, marking a significant stride in the evolution of automation solutions.

ESP32-based PLC with GSM is now available to buy: Visit the page

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Why should use ESP32-based PLC with Analog Inputs for Seamless IoT Integration

ESP32-based PLC with Analog Inputs

Wondering how our ESP32-based PLC with Analog Inputs stand out? Delve into the crucial features, precision capabilities, and versatility of analog inputs, crucial for precise real-world data acquisition and control across diverse industries. NORVI’s tailored range of 0-10V and 4-20mA Analog Inputs presents customized solutions for industrial requirements.

What are Analog Inputs?

Analog inputs refer to the interfaces or ports on a device, such as a microcontroller, PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), or sensor, that are designed to accept analog signals. These inputs are crucial for acquiring and processing continuous real-world data that varies in amplitude or intensity over time.

Analog inputs typically allow the connection of sensors or devices that generate analog signals, such as temperature sensors, pressure transducers, potentiometers, strain gauges, and many others. These sensors produce signals that represent physical quantities like temperature, pressure, voltage, light intensity, etc., in analog form, which means they provide a continuous range of values.

Devices equipped with analog inputs use analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) to convert the incoming analog signals into digital form, which can be processed, analyzed, stored, or used by digital systems like microcontrollers or computers. The ADCs sample the analog signal at discrete intervals and assign digital values to represent the amplitude of the analog signal at those points in time.

Analog inputs are essential in various fields, especially in industrial automation, robotics, data acquisition systems, and scientific instrumentation, where precise measurement and control of analog data are critical for operations and analysis. The quality and accuracy of the analog inputs play a significant role in the overall performance and reliability of the system.

Features of ESP32-based PLC with Analog Inputs?

ESP32-based PLC with Analog Inputs has main features as below,

  • High-resolution analog-to-digital conversion
  • Voltage input range
  • Current input range
  • Differential input capability
  • Sampling rate
  • Noise filtering
  • Programmable gain amplification
  • Multiplexed input channels
  • Overvoltage protection
  • Calibration options
  • Signal conditioning
  • Compatibility with various sensors
  • Low-power consumption
  • Real-time data acquisition
  • Configurable input impedance
M11 E Series

The Precision of Analog inputs

The precision of ESP32-based PLC with Analog Inputs refers to their ability to accurately measure and convert analog signals into digital values. The ESP32 microcontroller typically has a 12-bit ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) for analog input.

The 12-bit ADC resolution means that it can convert an analog input voltage into a digital value between 0 and 4095 (2^12 – 1), providing 4096 discrete steps. This resolution determines the granularity or level of detail in the conversion process. Higher resolution allows for more precise measurements, as the ADC can distinguish smaller changes in the input voltage.

The precision of the ESP32-based PLC with Analog Inputs can be affected by various factors, including:

  • Voltage reference: The accuracy and stability of the reference voltage used by the ADC can impact the overall precision of analog-to-digital conversion.
  • Noise and interference: Electrical noise or interference in the system can introduce errors in the analog readings, affecting the accuracy and precision of the measurements.
  • Signal conditioning: Proper signal conditioning circuits and techniques can enhance the accuracy and reduce noise in analog measurements.
  • Calibration: Calibration procedures can be implemented to improve the accuracy and correct any inherent inaccuracies in the ADC readings.

While the ESP32’s ADC provides reasonable precision for many applications, if higher accuracy or precision is required, external analog front-end components or specialized ADCs with higher resolutions and better characteristics can be used in conjunction with the ESP32 to achieve more accurate analog measurements. Additionally, careful design considerations and noise reduction techniques can also improve the overall precision of analog inputs in ESP32-based systems.

Versatility of an ESP32-based PLC with Analog Inputs

The versatility of an ESP32-based PLC with Analog Inputs lies in its ability to offer a wide range of functionalities and applications across various industries. Here are several aspects that highlight the versatility of an ESP32-based PLC with analog inputs:

  • Flexible Analog Input Support: ESP32-based PLCs typically come equipped with multiple analog input channels, allowing integration with various analog sensors measuring parameters like temperature, pressure, humidity, voltage, current, etc. This flexibility enables monitoring and control of diverse industrial processes.
  • Higher Resolution: ESP32-based PLC offers higher resolution analog inputs with ADS1115 16bit ADC.
  • Real-time Monitoring and Control: With its capability for real-time data acquisition and processing, an ESP32-based PLC can continuously monitor analog input signals, providing timely control actions based on the analyzed data.
  • Wireless Connectivity: Many ESP32-based PLCs come with built-in Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity, enabling remote monitoring, control, and data transmission to cloud platforms or mobile devices. This wireless capability enhances the PLC’s adaptability to IoT (Internet of Things) applications.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: ESP32-based PLCs often offer a cost-effective alternative compared to traditional PLCs, making them suitable for smaller-scale industrial applications or projects with budget constraints.
  • Scalability and Expansion: These PLCs are often designed with expandability in mind, allowing the addition of extra modules or peripherals to extend functionality, such as adding more analog inputs, digital I/Os, communication interfaces, etc.
  • Cross-Industry Applicability: The versatility of an ESP32-based PLC with analog inputs makes it suitable for a wide range of industries including manufacturing, agriculture, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), automation, monitoring systems, and more.

In essence, the ESP32-based PLC’s versatility lies in its adaptability to diverse applications, its programmability, connectivity options, and the ability to handle analog signals while offering a cost-effective solution for various industrial automation needs. Threfore, it shows that how vital ESP32-based PLC with Analog Inputs for seamless IoT intergration and Automation projects.

NORVI has ESP32-based PLC with Analog Inputs which offers two ranges of Analog Inputs as 0-10V Analog Inputs and 4-20mA Analog Inputs, refer to our product range.

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Why NORVI ESP32-based HMI for your innovative project or a system?


Do you know NORVI has a new addition? Here is why you should choose it. NORVI ESP32-based HMI solution is now available to buy, explore more now. 

Introducing the groundbreaking NORVI ESP32-based HMI (Human Machine Interface), a marvel in the realm of Programmable HMI supported with LVGL (Light and Versatile Graphics Library). This innovative system redefines interaction dynamics by bestowing users with an immersive graphical environment, seamlessly melding technology and user experience. Crafted to be programmed with Arduino, this HMI stands as a pinnacle of versatility, providing an influential platform for the inception of intuitive user interfaces while harnessing the potent capabilities of ESP32 microcontrollers.

The fusion of NORVI’s prowess with LVGL technology is a game-changer, empowering creators to sculpt visually captivating, responsive, and feature-rich interfaces. This amalgamation of cutting-edge features positions it as the go-to solution across diverse applications clamoring for user-friendly interactions. From IoT devices to automation systems and beyond, the NORVI ESP32-based HMI emerges as the quintessential choice for those seeking an unprecedented blend of innovation, functionality, and aesthetics in their projects.

See the diagram and explanations below for how an ESP32-based HMI is developed, as well as its benefits and features

ESP32-based HMI - Product Overview

Key Advantages of NORVI ESP32- based HMI

The NORVI ESP32-based HMI boasts several key advantages that set it apart as a game-changer in the realm of Human Machine Interfaces:

  • ESP32-S3-WROOM32 Module: At its core lies the powerful ESP32-WROOM32 module, renowned for its robust performance and versatility. This module serves as the foundation, providing the HMI with a potent processing engine, ample memory, and efficient wireless connectivity capabilities. This is from Espressif Systems and it has the following advantages.
  • High-performance processing capabilities
  • Dual-core microcontroller architecture
  • Ample built-in memory and storage options
  • Integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity
  • Low power consumption and energy-efficient operation
  • Support for various interfaces such as SPI, I2C, UART, and more
  • Rich set of peripherals and features for versatile applications
  • LVGL Support Display: The integration of LVGL (Light and Versatile Graphics Library) support elevates the user interface experience to new heights. This advanced feature empowers creators to design visually stunning, responsive, and feature-rich graphical interfaces, enhancing user interaction and engagement and many advantages as below.
  • Enables creation of visually appealing and rich graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
  • Offers responsive and smooth interaction for users
  • Provides a wide range of customizable widgets and graphics
  • Supports animations and transitions for enhanced user experience
  • Compatibility with various display sizes and resolutions
  • Optimized for resource-efficient performance on embedded systems
  • PLC Functionality with Arduino: The HMI’s compatibility and integration with Arduino enable it to function as a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). This extends its utility beyond a mere display interface, allowing it to control and manage various processes and systems, making it an all-encompassing solution for automation and control applications its key advantages are as below.
  • Versatile control and management capabilities for various processes and systems.
  • Integration of human-machine interaction with control logic, enhancing usability.
  • Flexibility in programming and customization for specific automation needs.
  • Expanded functionalities beyond traditional HMI interfaces.
  • Seamless communication between the user interface and control systems.
  • Utilizes widely supported Arduino ecosystem for easy development and scalability.

Features-based Applications

By leveraging the ESP32-WROOM32 module, harnessing LVGL’s display capabilities, and incorporating PLC functionality through Arduino compatibility, the NORVI ESP32-based HMI emerges as a comprehensive, adaptable, and high-performance solution for a wide spectrum of applications, promising unparalleled versatility and functionality. Also, it introduces a robust 5-inch LCD Display with Resistive Touch, boasting a suite of features tailored for diverse industrial applications:

  • 5-inch LCD Display with Resistive Touch: Offers a crisp and clear display, enhancing user interaction and visual clarity in various industrial environments.
  • Built-in Buzzer: Equipped with a built-in buzzer for audio alerts or notifications, facilitating immediate and audible feedback for critical processes or events.
  • Digital Inputs: Provides digital input ports for seamless integration and connectivity with external devices or sensors, enabling versatile data acquisition and control.
  • Analog Inputs: Includes analog input capabilities, allowing precise measurement and monitoring of varying voltage levels or sensor outputs, crucial for nuanced control and analysis.
  • Transistor Outputs: Features transistor outputs that facilitate control over external devices or systems, offering flexibility and adaptability in managing industrial processes.
  • Supports Industrial Voltage up to 24V DC: Designed to handle industrial-grade voltages up to 24V DC, ensuring compatibility with standard industrial power systems and environments.

Visit our product page for more information: NORVI HMI

Industrial Applications

The ESP32-based HMI with LVGL support and Arduino functionality excels in these industrial applications by providing a powerful platform for creating intuitive and feature-rich user interfaces while leveraging the capabilities of ESP32 microcontrollers. Its versatility, robustness, and ease of integration make it a valuable asset across various industrial settings as below.

  • Manufacturing Automation: Employed in manufacturing processes for control interfaces, monitoring production lines, and managing machinery with intuitive and responsive user interfaces.
  • Building Automation: Used in building management systems to control lighting, HVAC systems, security features, and access controls with user-friendly interfaces.
  • Industrial IoT (IIoT) Solutions: Integrated into IIoT systems for data visualization, remote monitoring, and controlling industrial equipment and machinery.
  • Process Control and Instrumentation: Utilized in industries such as chemical, pharmaceuticals, and food processing for real-time monitoring, controlling parameters, and managing processes.
  • Energy Management: Applied in energy production facilities, smart grids, and renewable energy systems for monitoring and controlling power generation, distribution, and consumption.
  • Smart Agriculture: Used in precision agriculture for monitoring environmental conditions, controlling irrigation systems, and managing farm machinery.
  • Transportation and Logistics: Employed in smart warehouses and logistics systems for inventory management, tracking goods, and controlling conveyor systems.
  • Water Management: Utilized water treatment plants and distribution systems for monitoring water quality, managing pumps and valves, and automating processes.
  • Healthcare Equipment: Integrated into medical devices and healthcare equipment for user interfaces, patient monitoring, and controlling automated systems.
  • Robotics and Automation: Applied in robotics for creating interactive control panels, monitoring robotic systems, and managing automation processes.

NORVI ESP32-based HMI Models

There are two models available in ESP32-based HMI now to buy!



  • ESP32-WROOM32 Module
  • Built-in 5Inch LCD Display with Resistive Touch
  • Built-in Buzzer
  • Built-in microSD Card support
  • LVGL Supported Display
  • DS3231 RTC with battery backup
  • PLC functionality with Arduino

Inputs and Outputs

  • 4 x Digital Inputs 24V
  • 4 x 4 – 20mA Analog Inputs
  • 4 x Transistor Outputs


  • 2.4Ghz WiFi + Bluetooth
  • W5500 Ethernet
  • RS-485

  • ESP32-WROOM32 Module
  • Built-in 5Inch LCD Display with Resistive Touch
  • Built-in Buzzer
  • Built-in microSD Card support
  • LVGL Supported Display
  • DS3231 RTC with battery backup
  • PLC functionality with Arduino

Inputs and Outputs

  • 4 x Digital Inputs 24V
  • 4 x 0 – 10A Analog Inputs
  • 4 x Transistor Outputs


  • 2.4Ghz WiFi + Bluetooth
  • W5500 Ethernet
  • RS-485

Additionally, if there are any specific technical specifications, compatibility details, or customization options available for this ESP32-based HMI, make an inquiry to us at [email protected]

Begin your journey into exploring the endless possibilities that the NORVI ESP32-based HMI offers for your project or innovative system. Your adventure starts with us today. Purchase Now! 

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Why ESP32-based HMI for Your Innovative IoT and Smart Applications

Why ESP32-based HMI for Your Innovative IoT and Smart Applications

The ESP32, a powerful microcontroller with integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities, is increasingly gaining prominence as an ideal choice for Human-Machine Interface (HMI) systems in IoT and smart applications. Its relevance stems from its dual-core processor, low power consumption, rich set of peripherals, and ample processing power, making it well-suited for HMI applications. This article explores the key features, integration, advantages, and applications of ESP32 in HMI systems, along with potential challenges and future trends in ESP32-based HMI technology.

ESP32 microcontroller board

What is ESP32 and its relevance to Human-Machine Interface (HMI)?

The ESP32, known for its integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities, is a robust microcontroller that is well-suited for IoT and smart applications. Its dual-core processor and ample resources enable it to handle complex tasks, making it a preferred choice for HMI systems, acting as the bridge between the user and the machine in various applications.

Key features of ESP32 for HMI applications

The ESP32’s key features, including its dual-core architecture, low power consumption, rich set of peripherals, and ample processing power, make it an excellent choice for HMI applications. Its integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities allow for wireless communication, while its robust processing capabilities enable the implementation of responsive and feature-rich user interfaces.

Smart home automation system controlled by ESP32-based HMI

Applications of ESP32 in HMI systems

The versatility and reliability of the ESP32 make it a preferred choice for enabling intuitive and interactive user experiences in various HMI applications across domains such as home automation, industrial control, and smart environments.

Understanding HMI

Definition and significance of HMI in technology and industrial automation

HMI, or Human-Machine Interface, plays a crucial role in enabling users to monitor, control, and interact with various devices and systems in technology and industrial automation, encompassing the hardware and software components that facilitate intuitive and efficient communication between humans and machines.

Importance of ESP32 in enhancing the functionality of HMI systems

The integration of ESP32 in HMI systems enhances functionality by providing a robust platform for developing interactive and user-friendly interfaces, empowering developers to create compelling HMI solutions that offer seamless control and monitoring capabilities.

Integration of ESP32 with HMI

Process and considerations for integrating ESP32 with HMI systems

Integrating ESP32 with HMI systems involves identifying specific application requirements, selecting suitable display and input devices, and leveraging the ESP32’s capabilities to enable seamless communication and interaction, considering aspects such as data exchange protocols, user input methods, and real-time responsiveness.

Advantages and unique capabilities of ESP32 for HMI solutions

The ESP32 offers distinct advantages for HMI solutions, including its support for various communication protocols, rich peripheral integration, and the ability to handle complex tasks without compromising performance, making it suitable for developing feature-rich and visually appealing HMI systems.

User interface design mockup for an ESP32-based HMI

Designing an ESP32-Based HMI

Hardware components and requirements for designing an HMI using ESP32

Designing an HMI using ESP32 requires the selection of appropriate display modules, input devices, and peripheral components to complement the microcontroller’s capabilities, including touchscreen displays, physical buttons, and sensors for versatile user interaction.

Programming techniques for ESP32 in HMI applications

Programming the ESP32 for HMI applications involves utilizing platforms such as Arduino IDE or ESP-IDF to develop interactive user interfaces, implement communication protocols, and integrate sensor data for real-time feedback, leveraging the ESP32’s dual-core architecture for efficient multitasking and responsive user experiences.

User interface design considerations for ESP32-based HMI systems

Effective user interface design for ESP32-based HMI systems involves creating intuitive layouts, employing visual feedback for user actions, and optimizing the use of graphical elements to enhance usability, considering factors such as color schemes, font sizes, and interactive elements.

Applications of ESP32-Based HMI

Home automation and smart device control

ESP32-based HMI systems find extensive applications in home automation, enabling users to remotely control lighting, HVAC systems, security cameras, and other smart devices, enhancing user convenience and enabling seamless integration of diverse smart home components.

Industrial control, monitoring, and automation

In industrial settings, ESP32-based HMI solutions empower operators to monitor and control complex machinery, temperature and humidity sensors, and other critical parameters, contributing to enhanced operational efficiency and safety.

IoT devices and integration in smart environments

The ESP32’s compatibility with IoT devices and its ability to connect to cloud services make it an ideal choice for integrating IoT devices in smart environments, enabling seamless integration and control of diverse IoT devices.

Real-life examples of successful ESP32-based HMI implementations

Real-life examples of successful ESP32-based HMI implementations include smart home control panels, industrial monitoring and control systems, and IoT-enabled environmental monitoring solutions, showcasing the versatility and reliability of ESP32 in diverse applications.

A women  wanted to upgrade her home with smart devices for convenience and energy efficiency. She decided to implement an ESP32-based HMI system to control and monitor various aspects of her home, such as lighting, temperature, and security.

Streamlined Control and Monitoring

With the ESP32-based HMI, it was able to create a user-friendly interface to seamlessly control her smart devices from a single dashboard. Whether she was at home or away, she could easily adjust the thermostat, turn lights on and off, and receive security alerts, providing her with peace of mind and saving energy when rooms were unoccupied.

Seamless Integration and Customization

It also appreciated the ease of integrating new IoT devices into her smart home system. The ESP32’s flexibility and compatibility allowed her to customize the interface according to her preferences, creating a personalized and intuitive control center for her home automation.

The ESP32-based HMI not only enhanced the functionality of smart home but also showcased the adaptability and practicality of ESP32 in real-life applications, demonstrating its effectiveness in home automation and smart device control.

Effectiveness and adaptability of ESP32-based HMI in diverse scenarios and industries

The effectiveness and adaptability of ESP32-based HMI in diverse scenarios and industries underscore its ability to cater to varying requirements, from consumer-facing smart devices to industrial automation and monitoring applications, showcasing its flexibility and robust feature set.

Advantages and Challenges

Advantages and benefits of utilizing ESP32 for HMI solutions

Utilizing ESP32 for HMI solutions offers advantages such as wireless connectivity, robust processing power, and support for rich graphical interfaces, contributing to its appeal for diverse HMI applications.

Addressing potential challenges and limitations in ESP32-based HMI implementation

Challenges in ESP32-based HMI implementation may include optimizing power consumption for battery-operated devices, ensuring secure communication, and addressing compatibility issues with external components, requiring careful consideration for successful implementation.

Conceptual illustration of potential future advancements in ESP32-based HMI technology

Future Trends

Advancements and emerging trends in ESP32-based HMI technology

Future advancements in ESP32-based HMI technology may encompass enhanced integration with AI and machine learning algorithms, optimization for low-power applications, and expanded support for advanced graphical interfaces and touch technologies.

Potential innovations and improvements on the horizon for ESP32 in HMI systems

Innovations on the horizon for ESP32 in HMI systems may include enhanced security features, expanded wireless connectivity options, and advancements in real-time data processing capabilities, paving the way for more sophisticated and responsive HMI solutions.

Best Practices and Tips

Effective implementation strategies for ESP32-based HMI solutions

Effective implementation of ESP32-based HMI solutions involves thorough planning, consideration of power management strategies, and adherence to best practices in user interface design and communication protocols, along with rigorous testing and optimization.

Ensuring optimal performance, security, and user experience in ESP32-based HMI applications

To ensure optimal performance, security, and user experience in ESP32-based HMI applications, developers should prioritize efficient code optimization, implement secure communication protocols, and focus on creating intuitive and responsive user interfaces catering to specific user needs.


The ESP32’s integration in HMI systems offers a compelling combination of robust processing power, wireless connectivity, and support for feature-rich user interfaces, demonstrating its versatility and relevance in diverse domains such as home automation, industrial control, and IoT integration.

The evolution of ESP32-based HMI systems is poised to witness advancements in AI integration, enhanced security features, and expanded support for sophisticated user interfaces, paving the way for more immersive and intelligent human-machine interactions in IoT and smart applications.

In conclusion, the ESP32’s capabilities position it as a key enabler for the next generation of HMI solutions, offering a potent combination of performance, versatility, and reliability for diverse applications in IoT and smart technologies.

For more detailed examples and technical information, let’s explore specific case studies and in-depth technical insights into the challenges and optimization techniques encountered in ESP32-based HMI implementations. 

NORVI is about to launch its newly produced, ESP32-based HMI. Wait with us! 

Wanna know more about HMI from NORVI? Read below,

The Rise of HMI Applications: Ultimate Tech Landscape

Thriving HMI Technology: Future of Human-Machine Interface

Optimizing HMI Projects for Industrial Automation Success

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Unleash the Potent Versatility of ESP32: Industrial Controllers for Innovative Integration


ESP32 is a SoC that allows you to create your own development project. To get a better understanding of ESP 32, get to know about what it is and how it works. ESP32, a Microcontroller Marvel, why is it? read the full article.

What is ESP32?

Espressif Systems introduces the ESP32, a revolutionary low-cost, low-power System-on-Chip (SoC) module that’s transforming the connectivity landscape. This cutting-edge module isn’t just an ordinary chip; it’s a powerhouse packed with built-in WiFi, Bluetooth, and Bluetooth Low Energy functionalities, redefining the possibilities of seamless wireless connectivity.

At its core lies the ESP32-D0WDQ6 chip, boasting a Tensilica Xtensa LX6 dual-core microprocessor, setting new standards in integration and performance. Its astounding integration encompasses an array of essential components, including antenna switches, RF balun, power amplifier, low-noise reception amplifier, filters, and power management modules. This amalgamation ensures unparalleled efficiency and reliability in operations.

Remarkably, this innovation doesn’t compromise on power efficiency. With a quiescent current of less than 5 μA, the ESP32 stands tall as the go-to choice for battery-powered projects or IoT applications, promising sustained performance without draining power resources hastily.

Diving into its exceptional technical specifications, the ESP32 is a marvel featuring an Xtensa Dual-Core 32-bit LX6 microprocessor, boasting a staggering 600 DMIPS. Its HT40 Wi-Fi connectivity (802.11 b/g/n), Bluetooth 4.2, and BLE connectivity redefine wireless standards. Running at an impressive 160 MHz operating frequency, it’s equipped with 448 KB of internal RAM (SHAME), paired with 520 KB of Flash memory, ensuring swift and reliable data storage and processing.

This versatile module boasts an impressive array of capabilities: 34 GPIO pins facilitating diverse connectivity options, 16 channels of PWM (software-enabled), 4 SPI interfaces, 2 I2C interfaces, 2 I2S interfaces, and 2 UART interfaces. Additionally, it features a high-resolution 12-bit ADC for precision analog measurements, while offering support for CAN, Interface MAC Ethernet, Touch sensors, and Hall effect sensors, expanding its applicability across an extensive range of projects and industries.

In essence, the ESP32 emerges as a game-changer, redefining wireless connectivity, unleashing unparalleled performance, and fostering innovation in a multitude of applications, from IoT projects to advanced industrial solutions.

How do you choose?

When evaluating an ESP32 System-on-Chip (SoC) for your project, it’s crucial to deliberate on a range of essential features. Consider the specific Input/Output (I/O) requirements, optimal configuration, availability of a serial-USB interface, the presence of a reliable voltage regulator, compatibility with battery connectors, and the inclusion of additional functionalities like support for cameras, OLED displays, and LoRa modules. These features collectively empower the board, enabling direct connectivity to computers for energized operations and programming. This capability renders it particularly suitable for low-consumption systems, a pivotal aspect in various applications.

The ESP32, renowned for its versatility as a microcontroller embedded with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities, stands out as an exceptional choice for both Internet of Things (IoT) applications and industrial environments. Its standout attributes include a dual-core processing system that ensures enhanced performance, substantial memory capacity for data storage and processing, and a multitude of General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins catering to varied connectivity needs. These comprehensive features make the ESP32 an invaluable asset in navigating the complexities of IoT and thriving in demanding industrial settings.

Why ESP32?

The ESP32 is a cost-effective alternative to traditional microcontrollers, offering performance without compromising on performance. Its built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities enable seamless communication with other devices, facilitating real-time data exchange. The ESP32 supports programming with Open Source IDEs like ESP-IDF and Arduino, allowing developers to customize functionality to suit specific automation and Communication requirements. Its flexibility and scalability make it ideal for automation and monitoring solutions in diverse industries.

The ESP32 is a versatile tool for industrial automation, environmental monitoring, smart agriculture, and building automation. Its real-time capabilities enable control of motors, valves, and conveyor belts, and can interface with various sensors for data analysis. Its low-power mode and remote connectivity make it ideal for off-grid setups. Its user-friendly interface allows efficient monitoring and control of building operations.


These are main advantages related to ESP32 as follows:

  • Crafted with a Sturdy Design – The ESP32 isn’t just a microcontroller; it’s a robust engineering feat. Its advanced calibration circuitries enable unwavering operation, ensuring reliability even in the most demanding industrial environments. From bone-chilling -40°C temperatures to sweltering highs of +125°C, this versatile microcontroller dynamically eradicates external circuit imperfections, delivering consistent performance where others falter.
  • Pioneering Ultra-Low Power Efficiency – Engineered with a focus on mobile devices, wearable electronics, and the sprawling realm of IoT applications, the ESP32 is synonymous with ultra-low power consumption. Leveraging proprietary software innovations and cutting-edge features like fine-grained clock gating, it optimizes energy usage, extending the longevity of connected devices while preserving efficiency.
  • Unmatched Integration for Streamlined Functionality – The ESP32 epitomizes integration. It’s not just a microcontroller; it’s an amalgamation of seamlessly integrated components. Integrated antenna switches, RF balun, power amplifier, filters, and power management modules are all neatly nestled within its compact frame. This integration minimizes the complexities of PCB layouts, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs, making it an ideal choice for a myriad of applications.
  • Hybrid Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Brilliance – As a dual-purpose chip, the ESP32 offers unparalleled flexibility. It operates as a standalone system or seamlessly integrates as a slave device. By reducing communication stack overhead, it ensures streamlined performance. Harnessing the power of SPI, SDIO, I2C, or UART interfaces, it provides robust Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionalities, empowering connectivity in diverse applications.

Although the ESP32 is significantly better in features than the Arduino UNO and the ESP8266, this does not mean it is the best microcontroller for every project. To get the most out of this SoC, now you understand what it is, how it functions, and what makes it unique from other microcontroller boards.  learn from the manufacturer.

ESP32 based PLC – NORVI

If you need to create an IoT-based smart solution or you need to develop any automation process, ESP32-based programmable logic controllers are available with NORVI. The main product ranges developed with ESP32 are below.


There are more products you should look at that you can use for all of your automation requirements with NORVI. Check out the product range